So, finally today we had the news that we all knew was going to happen one day – that the Pink Council building (WCC’s CAB) is to be demolished and developers / visionaries are asked to submit bids and proposals for a replacement building and a Masterplan. After too many years of sitting round doing nothing, suddenly it is all go, and proposals are needed immediately….
So, a decision has been made by the Councillors of the WCC – let’s hope it was the right call. I’m not jumping for joy, I’m not down in the dumps, I’m just evaluating the decision. Hmmm. Pondering. I actually watched a whole lot of the debate on the You Tube channel, live, which is a tedious thing, but vaguely instructive. They need to sort their…
There’s been a lot about this house in the news recently – both the paper kind of news, and the TV kind of news. May as well get my news from proper news sources while they exist, seeing as it sounds like soon nothing is going to exist in the news world. What will we do when 3News and OneNews are ditched, and Stuff has gone…
With the announcement of TV3 killing off Newshub, it makes transparent the sad fact that we have all known for some time, namely that advertising ruins everything. Just as much as that a lack of advertising also ruins everything. Advertising is the monster that keeps the western capitalist system alive, and it is also the thing that western capitalist systems are currently dying of an overdose…
Utopia !!! What’s not to like? It’s clearly not a Dystopia – it’s a YOU topia. Cool. Just thought that I might leave this here:
The time is ripe – the end is near. Gradually, slowly, the Independent Commissioners are releasing their Reports onto the interwebbies, and very slowly, a sleepy group of Wellingtonians are reading them. So many words, expensive words, produced at a rate of thousands of dollars per hour. It is a select group, as in reality so few people really give a toss, and yet in time,…
A quick link in here for anyone that is interested but as yet have not seen: The SpinOff has announced a War for Wellington, which is doing everything that we here at the Eye of the Fish should have been doing (but of course, he gets paid for his work, but I don’t). It is brilliant, and you should go have a look at it now….
Hi there – and welcome to 2024, albeit I’m a month late. Reasons: sunshine, weather, fishing, aged parents, and a complete inability to get anything done when all of those former issues combine. Anyway, I’m here now, I think. When this blog started, back in 2008, I think that the founders wanted it to be a place where Architecture, Urban Design, Photography etc all collided and…
Watching TV with aged relatives over the last few days, as that is what they still do, it became obvious to me what a miserable existence we have left our elderly with in this aspect. Unable to do such things as subscribe to Netflix and listen to podcasts, instead they are subject to the banality of terrestrial free to air TV, or as I like to…
It’s been a curious start to a new Government and a curious end to an old year. 2023 – don’t want to see that one again. I know, its only mid-December and we haven’t even got to Christmas, let alone New Year’s Eve, but honestly, what a clusterfuck this election has turned out to be. Cerberus, the three-headed dog, is turning out just as dysfunctional as…