What a curious government we have at present, full of balls, bald heads and bravado, but not much in the brains department.

There are many possible instances that come to mind that could illustrate that well, but this week’s announcement that NZ is now going to import gas to burn to make electricity, is one of the more bizarre and stupid recent announcements. Our great esteemed leaders must have thought about it long enough to plan out a news conference, which they hosted with two bright and shiny Ministers earnestly saying that “It was all Labour’s fault” and “We need Gas drilling NOW!” but there was not a lot of thought going much further than that.

Kawerau pulp and paper mill, while it is still going.

Extraordinarily, our largest industrial users are on the point of shutting up shop and closing the doors permanently because they cannot get power. We have the Pulp and Paper mills in the central North Island closing up for good within weeks, but the warning signs must have been there for a while. If they go, so does the population of Tokeroa, probably either to Auckland or more likely, to Aussie. It is absolutely a problem – once the Kawarau Mill goes, we will probably never get it back. Like everything else, we will just have to order it in from overseas.

More of these?

The answer from the government lunkheads is that we need to import LPG immediately and also start to build a terminal to store it. Plus foreigners might want to give us money to dig some holes in the ground to find more gas. How many years would that take? At a guess, maybe 3 years at a minimum? More like 5 years probably? It may well have rained in the intervening period – and in fact, it rained non stop for the last 48 hours, although all in the wrong areas. The problem is, of course, that our Energy market is broken. There is little incentive from industry to do anything to lessen the problem, because of course when we (the public) suffer, the energy companies make their millions of profit. And that is the way some previous bright spark government minister set up the whole system to work.

Mills use heaps of Energy

A far better idea would be to mandate every single new house in Aotearoa to have a solar PV electric array (except maybe Gore). And then plan for ALL the existing houses to be retrofitted with Solar PV as well. Yes, that would take some time as well, but it would all work towards an overall change in our power consumption as well. Most countries in Europe understand this well, and have retrofitted their electrical markets to work this way.

The 1.5 MW rooftop PV system was built during ongoing operations.

In Germany, you used to get four times the price of energy when you generated it off your rooftop and sold it back to them. There was a big fuss when the Merkel government reduced that down to merely three times. As a result, PV cells appear on every rooftop in Germany and other enlightened countries. Even the cowshed and the pig barn at my friend’s place in Germany has PV cells on, generating power and earning money. So much so, the Germans are turning off their nuclear power stations, and have phased out coal. Plus, thanks to Putin and his mad war, they’ve turned off gas as well.

Farmyard politics makes sense

Here in NZ, we are currently allowed to be officially screwed by the Electric system. Here, you might get back one third of the price you pay, if you’re lucky. There is literally no incentive to put solar on your rooftop, or a windmill in your back yard. If we had a government who was competent and could think intelligently, we too could power our country without gas or coal generators.

New townhouses in Germany, returning 4 times more power to the grid than they use. And at 4 times the price.

THIS is what we should be doing.