Apologies for the absence – I’m been busy / away / unwell / take your pick. I just have worn myself out and can’t stand the state of the world and feel very sad that the gunman in Pennsylvania missed by a whisker. Trump depresses the hell out of me, even though it should not affect us here at all, the media still push him down our throats 24/7.

Not quite sure what to do with the Eye of the Fish, and so I’m calling for new contributors, or someone else to take it over – email us at contact @ eyeofthefish.org or just post a comment here if you want.

Now, back to business, for now anyway. What on earth is going on with this H1 malarkey? It appears that our new Minister Chris Penk, who has a refreshingly open mind around his portfolio, and willingly listens to people in the business, has perhaps had too much of an open mind. He has clearly been nobbled by some volume-house-builders in Tauranga, who have bent his ear and made him take seriously their comments that NZ’s new revised H1 insulation standards are somehow onerous and too high.

Commander Penkwas a submariner in a previous life…

Oh dear Right Honourable Christopher Penk – periscope down, you are under attack by house-trolls! Someone is pulling your leg! NZ’s standards are still lower than the rest of the world – and the rest of the world is not complaining of over-heating – so it is clear that H1 is not actually the problem. Yes, we are coming off a low base, of being the absolutely worst / lowest building code standards in the world (for a “developed” nation), so of course any big improvement in roof insulation from R=3 to R=6.6 will have a big effect. Our wall insulation increased from R=1.9 to R=2.0 (from memory) so that will have had hardly any effect. And windows have increased from single glazing to double glazing and from crappy all-aluminium frames to slightly less crappy thermally-broken window frames, but regardless, remember that the window is ALWAYS going to be the weakest link in your building envelope.

Clearly the rest of the equation needs to be spelled out in big bold letters to the builders and designers out there – its not just about the Insulation. Everything is connected. People complaining that their house is too warm in summer are missing the point – it shows that previously most of the heat in a house was just going straight up and out through the roof, and that is clearly a waste of energy. Insulation is a two-way street, so to speak, and so during summer the new increased R=6.6 insulation should be stopping the house from gaining too much heat from the sun, as well as stopping it from losing too much heat at night. So what is the rest of the equation then, smarty-pants?

Its the whole package. It is the design of the rest of the envelope – walls, windows, thicknesses, layers, performance etc, but also the actual running / optimising the performance of the house itself. Key amongst these points are Ventilation systems – from as basic as “if it is too hot then open a window” to the much better “install a decent ventilation heat exchanger system from day 1”. That will have the effect of lowering electrical bills for years to come, and a smooth-running home with no asthma or whooping cough etc, but admittedly, there is an up-front cost for a decent ventilation system of $10-20k.

Penk under fire

But it is also the design of windows within the window walls. We’ve got into the habit of having mammoth sized glazing panes in massive ranch sliders, instead of just having a window. That may work fine if you have a bach in Waiheke with stunning views worthy of Phil Spencer, but are mostly totally inappropriate in inner-city Wellington. As windows are the weak point, make a smaller weak point!! And the build up of the actual wall is so important too – no more 95mm studs on external walls with just building paper and Gib! We must do better than that!

We made a change in H1 and that was a step forward. Now is not a time to step backward into the damp, dark ages. Now is the time to complete the rest of the journey! Hold fast Chris Penk – I’m coming to see you! The rest of you – your thoughts and comments?