There’s been a lot of talk about the death of Wellington ever since John Key opened his cat-flap back in 2013. “Wellington is dying” he said, but facing a media backlash, he promptly back-tracked and did an about-face, instead claiming that central Gov did not know how to help make it better. Since then we have had the conundrum of multiple left-leaning Mayors leading an ostensibly right-leaning city (business owners and Government tenants) lived in by a rabidly leftist population (ref to the People’s Republic of Aro Valley, and others). But instead of dwelling on the downsides, let’s look at the upsides.

Great things about Wellington include:

Great harbour!

Great compact city!

Great walkable city!

Great architectural history!

Great cultural landscape, full of poetry, plays, books, music, art, sculpture, dance, theatre, audio-visual, performance, and many more.

Te Ngakau – Civic Square – one of many options

Great food outlets! So many restaurants!! So many good ones! And so many more!

Great drink outlets! Including, according to the fable of Well Urban, some 362 different places to buy a Martini cocktail, and of course so many breweries for craft beer.

Great coffee! Including more places to buy a coffee at than there are grains of sand in the desert – well, Oriental Bay beach.

Great nearby natural parks and features, including the Inner and Outer Town Belts, the Island Bay Marine Reserve, the Kapiti Coast, the Wairarapa, the Marlborough Sounds within easy reach, and so on.

Helen Milner, a branding expert (and a really nice friendly person), posted an article online the other day about how good Wellington is, looking back at it from a future viewpoint of 2040, and that was picked up by Stuff and the Dom Post – sorry, the Post. She emphasised that Wellington is just having a little cup of tea and a lie-down, and that it is in no way dead or dying.

I’m not going anywhere! How about you?

ChatGPT by Milner as part of the re-imagination of Poneke

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