4 Min Read

Following on from the last post (different tune to the Last Post, if you know what I mean), as promised, I went along to Parliament to listen to MP Chris Penk speak. And several other people spoke too – not the Fish, unfortunately – but the general gist of this is the launching of a Timeline for the launching of a national carbon database. Bit of…

2 Min Read

Like many of you, I woke early on Saturday morning to watch the start of the Olympic Games in Paris. Sunny pink sky down here in Nouvelle Zelande, dreary grey skies and rain on le Rive Gauche of le Seine – but still, what a fantastic way to open an Olympic Games. Le Froggies have one-upped le Poms, je pense… For me, the most wonderful part…

3 Min Read

Apologies for the absence – I’m been busy / away / unwell / take your pick. I just have worn myself out and can’t stand the state of the world and feel very sad that the gunman in Pennsylvania missed by a whisker. Trump depresses the hell out of me, even though it should not affect us here at all, the media still push him down…