Although the Dompost has reported on it already, just a reminder that there is the most amazing piece of floating architecture anchored at Queens Wharf at present. The Masquerade, a 5 year old Dutch boat, is waiting here for its owner to come and join it this weekend. It is the most extraordinary piece of marine architecture – obviously money was no object, but its worth a saunter past.

The stern of the boat is sculpted with cutouts and a jaunty flippy hat thingy for the captain to steer it from, along with a opening secret compartment where presumably a smaller boat pops out of.
I’m not sure what the owner, Robert Ogden, plans to do on the boat (presumably, party hard, and cross over to the Sounds), but the captain Michael Whitely must have enjoyed his arrival into Wellington , as the waters around Queens Wharf are currently full of natives paddling war canoes – yes, the Dragon Boat Festival is on again this weekend. Two good reasons then to go for a walk on the waterfront this weekend.


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