Its full steam ahead here at HMNZS Eye of the Fish, but every now and then I need to swim upstream and spawn, mow the lawns and trim the hedge, you know, that kind of thing. There may be the occasional drop in transmission whilst that’s underway, unless Philip steps once more into the breach and blogs on, but I suspect that he may be somewhat busy too, revamping the Fish eye with a shiny new set of scales. At least I hope that’s what he’s doing. And Aron – we had another wee fish called Aron, but he seems to have swum off to warmer waters. Swim back Aron! Come on in, the water’s lovely! Well, sort of freezing really, but you get my drift.

Anyway, if you’re waiting for your Fishy morning fix of architectural news, and need something to read over the morning coffee till your caffeine rating gets high enough, and we haven’t got off our lazy old butts to whip you up a fish-egg souffle, then you can always nip over to the Architectural Centre and read the news on their website. They seem to have had some sort of evangelical rebirth over the last month or so, or at least their website has – of late – blossomed into life with an alacrity that I just can’t keep up with!

Anyway – well worth a read, and especially in regard to a certain competition they seem to be running, called 20 under 40.


Now we’ve checked with the organisers, who say you don’t have to be all that young (though surely it helps) or good looking (its anonymous, so you can’t impress the judges that way), and they aren’t going to limit it to just 20 of you. I really haven’t a clue what it is all about, although apparently it all takes place within 24 hours, starting from 6pm this coming Friday at the School of Architecture.

There are a lot of competitions in the world, including the ones listed in Death By Architecture, but they’re all overseas, and this one is right here in town, and open to just about everyone. 

In other news about town, Wellington has been voted the most Clean and Green City in NZ (apparently by ASB Bank, to assist the Estate Agents). While it would be nice to think that the cleanness and greenness might be true, it sort of jars with the outfall of raw sewerage into the harbour last weekend (thanks a Bunch!), the continued blowing of tin cans down the street, plastic bags festooning the trees as they swirl upwards in the wind, and the seeming need by the mayor and others to plow more roads through the city: all that aside, we’re very proud of that accolade.

So: can we have some more green recycling bins please, throughout the city? Not just where the press can take photos – but all through town? Thanks !
